Tamilnadu Information Commissioner

+91 9444 011581

Born (10/ 04/1977) in a village named Nandireddypatti in Virudhunagar District, Tamil Nadu, to a family which is substantially engaged in agricultural activities. An ardent legal professional with substantial exposure to litigation, from being a Government Advocate and subsequently becoming a Member of the TNPSC and State Information Commissioner in the Tamil Nadu State Information Commission.

Muthuraj did his MBA in Human Resources and also completed his Ph.D on the thesis “A Comparative Study On Indian Public Service Commission And International Civil Service Commission (UN)”. This research topic compares recruitment, training, award and punishments in India in light of the international civil services (UN) and also it is first of its kind thesis published in India.

Participated in various Tree plantation activities from the school days in Virudunagar Distiricts.

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+91 9444 011581